As I have been saying I have been looking daily on craigslist, etsy, thrift stores and hitting the garage sales on the weekends looking high and low for the perfect dresser for my bedroom. I knew I wanted french provincial my new obsession but has been hard to find someone selling just the dresser without the mirror or entire set. Since we have our tv mounted on the wall above the dresser we can not use the mirror and we have an upholstered headboard plus two gorgeous metal embossed with mirror night stands I snatched up at Home Goods, so we don't need anything but a long dresser and a tall one. I have a want ad on Craigslist for dressers and today I got a text from a lady and loved the photo she sent me. Took a little haggling to get her to sell without the mirror then come down to $100 which has been my budget since I started looking, another reason I haven't found one yet cause down here they run about 300-500 in good condition any cheaper they are damaged or missing knobs. I am going to look at this one shortly and hopefully this is the one. I have big plans for her and she doesn't even know it lol.
I want her to be white a nice bright satin white with silver top and trim then silver metallic or maybe satin nickel knobs. I can't wait. I love that it has the cabinet with three drawers inside, my newer dresser we are exchanging her out for has this feature and I love it for my personal items and lingerie. I can't wait. I will post more photos tomorrow if I get her=)!
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