Here is the linger chest I got off craigslist for my daughter's room. This is before which wasn't a bad color but my daughter likes bright funky colors and wanted silver knobs. Plus the paint job was awful, large drips and lots of brush strokes then they only applied one thick coat so there was some white showing through. We are still deciding on the colors, for now priming, sanding and patching chips.
I am excited to have finally started my first dresser! I started priming the dresser I got for my daughter. It is a french provincial piece, lingerie chest. It was painted a soft green but we decided that since we wanted to try painting them ourselves that we would go get all the supplies and start. The weather here hasn't been good for spray painting, it has been either rainy or windy and even though there was wind today we still hit the side of the house and pulled off the knobs, primed them gray, sanded down the drips and dings in the drawers, then primed 3 drawers white, 3 more to go! The knobs now are a silver, shiny color and look amazing. I am hooked just one time painting. It is amazing what spray paint can do lol.
I am using Kryon I believe spray paint that I purchased for under $4 a can. Got white and gray primer, then satin white for the body and metallic silver for the knobs. We are going to paint the front of the drawers on the part that is recessed out different neon bright colors that can glow in the black light for my 12 year old's bedroom. Those colors will be hand painted on then thinking of doing some stenciling of zebra print since her room is neon colors with zebra print. I will figure out as I go a long. I can't wait for another good day of weather to finish priming the drawers and body of the dresser so I can get a good solid coat of white satin on the entire piece. The knobs look amazing, love the metallic silver paint wanted to paint the entire dresser silver and black but my daughter reminded me it is going in her room lol. After and during photos coming soon, stay tuned...
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